We are excited to announce that Baker, Batavia and Geneva will be collaborating for Confirmation for 2021-2022.
Confirmation is for all families who have discerned their 6th grade or older student is ready to participate.
Confirmation orientation is on 8/22/2021 2-3:30pm at Baker UMC. Parents, students and mentors are expected to attend.
Confirmation classes begin the week of September 8th and will be held in three, 8-week sessions. Each session is held at one church.
Confirmation will be offered in two sections each week. Either on Sundays 1-2:30pm or Wednesdays 6:30-8pm. Students will be asked to choose a section, however we will allow students to make up classes in the other section if there is an absence (planned or unplanned). If a section has extremely low enrollment we may drop that section.
Confirmation students will have lay mentors from their home church.
Sessions will involve time spent in the large group of all students and small groups of students from the same church.
There will be a few retreats throughout the 24-week period and a service project requirement.
The confirmation worship service will happen in each student’s home church on May 15, 2022.
Pastor Mary Zajac & Pastor Kim Neace, Baker Memorial UMC
Pastor Cynthia Anderson, Batavia UMC
Pastor Rob Hamilton and Pastor Lisa Telomen, Geneva UMC